Fungal Test - RTCA/DO – 160 Section 13 Fungus Resistance
Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment

This test determines whether material is adversely affected by fungi under conditions favorable for their development, namely; high humidity, warm atmosphere, and the presence of inorganic salts.
- The surfaces of the test pieces are sprayed with a fine mist of the spore mixture, and then incubated for 28 days or longer.
- After incubation, items are evaluated by MicroStar Lab for fungal growth.
- Performance evaluations can be performed in our laboratory both before and after fungus testing if indicated. Evaluations that are outside of our technical expertise can be performed in our laboratory by the customer.
- Test witnesses are always welcome at MicroStar Lab to verify test setup and/or final evaluations.
- MicroStar Lab can accommodate larger test items in our 4’x 4’ x 4’ environmental chamber.
- MicroStar Lab performs the following versions:
- RTCA/DO-160D
- RTCA/DO-160E
- RTCA/DO-160F
- RTCA/DO-160G
ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 accredited by A2LA