AATCC TM 30 Test Methods
Antifungal Activity, Assessment on Textile Materials: Mildew and Rot Resistance of Textile Materials
This standard has 4 methods for determining the susceptibility of textile materials to mildew and rot and to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides on textile materials.
AATCC TM Test I - Soil Burial
This test evaluates the ability of fabrics to withstand exposure to microorganisms that could adversely affect the strength and performance of the material. It is intended for textile products that will come in direct contact with soil.
- Test pieces are buried in a pan of garden soil blended with manure and coarse sand for 2 weeks-16 weeks and then evaluated for breaking strength.
- MicroStar Lab does not perform breaking strength testing. Samples are sent to an outside laboratory.
AATCC TM Test II - Agar Plate, Chaetomium globosum
This test evaluates rot resistance of cellulose-containing textile materials that will not come in contact with soil.
- Samples are placed onto mineral salts agar and inoculated with test organism Chaetomium globosum.
- After incubation, samples are evaluated for strength loss and/or visual assessment, evaluated for microscopic and macroscopic growth, and a zone of inhibition.
- MicroStar Lab does not perform breaking strength testing. Fabrics requiring breakage strength testing are sent to an outside laboratory.
AATCC TM Test III - Agar Plate, Aspergillus niger
Test samples are placed on an agar surface and inoculated with Aspergillus niger. After incubation, samples are evaluated for fungal growth.
Testing can be done in two ways:
- A nutritive agar medium that will show the sample’s ability to repel encroaching fungal growth, as well as growth from direct inoculation.
- A non-nutritive mineral salts agar that contains no carbon source, requiring the fungus to use the test material as its food source.
Test III is part of MicroStar’s scope of accreditation by A2LA to ISO 17025
AATCC TM Test IV - Humidity Jar, Mixed Spore Suspension
This test is used to evaluate a textile’s ability to control mildew and fungal growth on a material intended for outdoor and above ground use. Samples are usually waterproof.
- Samples are saturated in a nutrient, glycerol solution, allowed to dry, and then sprayed with a mixed spore suspension.
- The inoculated fabrics are then suspended in individual jars and incubated for 14 days for non-coated cellulosic textiles, or 28 days for non-cellulosic textiles.
- Samples are evaluated weekly for fungal growth and/or can be tested for breaking strength after incubation time.
- MicroStar Lab does not perform breakage testing and will only report on visual assessment of fungal growth. Samples can be sent to an outside lab for strength loss determination.